Re Current Pregnancy Loss

Recurrent pregnancy loss is defined as having two or more miscarriages. After two miscarriages, a thorough physical exam and testing are recommended. About 15 to 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Often, pregnancy loss is random, and does not mean there is any underlying genetic or reproductive issue. Approximately 2 percent of women experience two consecutive pregnancy losses, which could still be attributed to chance.

Treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss can include:

  1. Correction of hormonal problems.
  2. Surgical treatment of uterine abnormalities or fibroids.
  3. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
  4. Immunologic treatments.
  5. Blood thinning medications.

To help find the cause of repeated miscarriages, your health care professional should ask about your medical history and past pregnancies. A complete physical exam, including a , may be done.

You may have blood tests to detect problems with the immune system. Testing may be done to help detect genetic causes of repeated miscarriages. Imaging tests may be considered to find out if a uterine problem is causing repeated miscarriages.

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