Misplaced IUCD

Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCDs) are amongst the most frequently used methods of contraception. The patients with misplaced IUCDs may present with pregnancies or ‘lost strings’ or they may remain asymptomatic.

If you think your IUD has moved, don’t try to put it back in place by yourself. Instead, call your doctor or healthcare provider and make an appointment to see them as soon as possible. Your doctor will conduct an exam and tests to see if your IUD has moved.

Signs and symptoms of a displaced IUD

If your IUD has only shifted slightly, you might not notice any signs. However, if your IUD becomes displaced, the signs and symptoms will typically include:

  • not being able to feel the IUD strings with your fingers
  • feeling the plastic of the IUD
  • your partner being able to feel your IUD during sex
  • bleeding in between periods
  • heavy vaginal bleeding
  • cramping, beyond what you normally have during your period
  • pain or soreness in your lower abdomen
  • unusual vaginal discharge

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